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Showing posts from February, 2018

How To Mint Money On Valentine’s Day With Flower Fundraiser?

When school funds are on the wane, it sets off alarm bells among the school administrators. To keep up with the flurry of school activities, yearly trips and monthly events, it is necessary to have a perennial flow of cash into the school coffers. But when funds dry up, school authorities have no other option than to organize fundraiser events.  Generally, middle schools put the onus of raising funds on school children. While participating in such fundraisers, school children experience an increased sense of independence. They pick up new skills in sales and business and have a better understanding of how to work as a team for the fulfillment of a common goal. School fundraisers can be done at any time of the year, but that doesn't mean that you can come up with anything you want and then expect that your fundraising event will mint money. You must know that fundraising events should be based on specific days of the year. Moreover, the fundraising product must chime